Saturday, December 12, 2009


There is a certain point in your Air Force career that you begin supervising other Airmen. When that happens, you are responsible not only for yourself, but you are responsible for your troops as well. You are responsible for their mental well being as well as their work performance.

There are the good times as well as the heavy times. Last night one of my guys called to tell me that one girl he had been hanging out with called to tell him that she was pregnant. I've been here in the Northeast too long, the first thought I had was that the kid may not be his, and the girl was looking for a free ride. Was I wrong? The economy right now is crappy, and if the baby's real daddy doesn't have a job..... Is this too far fetched?

- Chuck

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Face Book Entries

I just realized that most of us who use Face Book will refer to ourselves in the third person when we post. How ironic is it that we find people who do that in conversation to be totally annoying or totally creepy? Although for all of you theater folks, what if we all put colons at the beginning of our posts and turned it all into dialouge, would that be better? Then would everyone think we were crazy since sometimes when you post, no one responds and it would look like we were talking to ourselves. I find it amazing how technology allows things we normally find unacceptable behavior to be acceptable in certain cercumstances.

- Chuck

Friday, November 27, 2009


Every year, it seems that Christmas comes earlier and earlier. It's my job in our household to make room for the tree and all the trimmings, you know, make room for Christmas to puke all over our house. We move most of the housplants out of the living room, strap a board on something and I put the tree and lights up.

The reason this is my only job for Christmas is because one year, I thought that I would be nice and decorate the tree so David wouldn't have to do it since he wasn't feeling well when he left for work. That was a huge mistake. When he saw the tree, he made a bee-line to it and took EVERYTHING off of it and redid it. After he was done, I told him that I would never touch another decoration again. So, the day after Thanksgiving is dedicated to setting up the tree and lights and drinking wine while I watch the tree come together.

Pictures will probably follow. I'm feeling a kind of procedureal pictography this year.

Monday, November 23, 2009

AMA Buzz

Well, the American Music Awards were last night. There were some pretty memorable performances both good and bad.

The one that will stick out in my mind is Adam Lambert. Just how bad does a performance have to be that the producer who is cripple cuts part of it out? Although on retrospect, I wonder if that blank spot in the perfoance was a delayed reaction to Adam grinding another man's face in his crotch? Was Dick Clark the only person in the editor's booth, or was he the only one that was worried about the FAA fine? I think it pretty piss poor that the only person willing or able to cut profanity from being aired on Nationally syndicated television is a crippled old man.

The other performance that should not have been booked was Eminem, about three of fours word out of his mouth was censored. I remember thinking, "What was the point?"

Lady Gaga's performance was different, but the only questionable part was her wardrobe. The body suit with the lights was pretty cool, but the phallic symbol could have been left off. I know that it was supposed to be a symbol of the controversy centered around her hermaphroditism. But that was a little much.

Plus, the politics of the awards show was very blantant. Michael Jackson won all but one award he was up for. And Teedo, what the fuck? He was accepting those awards as if he were the one who earned them. Michael only won those awards because he died. If he were alive, he wouldn't have even been up for half the awards he won, let alone won.

- Chuck

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Glad I Let Go of Childhood Things

I finally realized tonight that I let go of the hurt caused while I was in elementary and junor high. I was teased by almost everyone in my class and after talking to some of my old classmates. I have come to realize that they were just misguided youths at the time. Most of them have grown into pretty good adults and great parents. So if we knew eachother in grade school, please say hi and reconnect.

- Chuck

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More Pictures - Medium size

This is a picture of my tank from last month. I need to take pictures of everything for this month so I can document the growth of all my coral.

Adding Pictures

I'm trying to learn how to add pictures to this thing. I think it will add interest to the posts. I also want to find a program for my iPod Touch that will let me download my and other folk's blogs so I can read them at my leasure. Well, here are some pictures, enjoy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Ties That Bind

No matter who or where you are, home is always in your head. It doesn't matter if you still live there or you've moved on. Even kids who run away from home still think about home. I would know.

Everyone likes to ask why you joined the Air Force, I used to just try and change the subject. Why? Because I don't have the noble cause of serving my country, or at least the selffish reason of going to school. I joined to run away from home, which is not noble or at least reasonable.

At the end of my Freshman year of college, I was working my normal summer job and because I almost fell off a ladder and almost cut off some fingers. Since my boss wouldn't get a new ladder, I quit. Once my dad found out that I had quit my job, he told me to go back to work and he would pay for my school the next year or I could get a job and just get the hell out. I found an Air Force recruter, and joined up, and only go back to visit. Never regretting the decision I made.

I always think about home. I always wonder how my mom is doing. Is she still getting the mental and verbal abuse from my dad? Is my little brother going to get himself killed by trying to encrouch on someone else's drug territory? Has my dad finally drank or drugged himself to death? Has he had an accident with his equipment that was fatal? All these things go through my head all the time. I used to think about my grandparents until they passed away. Well, at least the ones on my mom's side, I reall could care less about the one on my dad's side.

- Chuck

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Comsequences of Actions

There is a saying that goes around the military; "You can do what you want, as long as you are willing to deal with the consequences of your actions." I am doing that right now. I was on a profile for my back for almost two years.

Then when it was close to expiring, I decided to let it lapse. I figured out that I would never get off this base if I stayed on the profile and did not do a real PT test.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I know that there is already a Chaos Theory, but I have one of my own. When the real boss leaves for a couple of days, no matter how well things are set up, everything goes to hell.

Why is that?

- Chuck

The Count of Monte Cristo

So as most of us that have read and liked this book, it's mostly because it is about revenge. We are told that Dante is set-up by his friends to go to prison. To that I say bullshit!!!

Edmond Dante is set-up for prison by his rivals, even he knows they are not his friends from the very start. He is only nice to them. He is nice to Danglars because he thinks it will get him into the good graces of the ship owners. He is nice to Caderousse because Dante's father asks him to not make a bad neighbor out of him. And last but most certainly not least he is way tooooo fucking nice to Fernand because he is sooo pussy whipped by Mercedes to just kill the bastard.

All of them are his rival in all aspects of his life. Caderousse is a loan shark and will prey on Edmond's father when he is not there to stand up to Caderousse. He also wants what he prcieves to be his share of Edmond's money and patronage. Danglars is Edmond's rival at work. We find out early that the captain of the Pharaon dies not too long before the ship makes it back to port. We also know hat Edmond calls Danglars out and challanges him to a duel. And Fernand is his rival for the love of Mercedes.
Which can be more dangerous than the other two combined.

As I read more and it provokes thoughts, I will share here in the cyber pages of my blogg.

- Chuck

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Triggered Memories

As I sit here working on my precalculus homework listening to the Zac Brown Band, I find it amazing where the songs are taking me. I keep thinking about my days spent following my grandpa, aka "Pops" around. I grew up in Little Rock through the school week and the weekends when I had to accolite for church. Otherwise I spent every waking moment down in South Eastern Arkansas just outside a small town called Gillette. I was always known as "Red's Shadow" or just "Shadow" for short.

I remember always being allowed to go with Pops when the other grandkids weren't allowed. One day, I asked Pops why I got to go with him and no one else could go. He just smiled at me and told me that he never had to hunt me down, and I always made sure he didn't need my help anymore before I would "steal" the fishing rod in his truck and go fishing. I always had a fear that he would leave me out in the fields. He had a sense of humor that that would be funny and would teach me a lesson. One day I had gone down the banks of the resevoir a little too far to hear the tractor. So in true Pops fashion, he shut the tractor down after moving to the field just past the stand of trees and moved his truck so I couldn't see it. I noticed that it was getting to be close to lunch time, my belly could tell me when it was time for a meal no matter if I was blindfolded and had no nose. I came back to where he was supposed to be, and tractor, truck, and Pops all were gone.

I pannicked. I ran the opposite way that he had gone because that was the way back home. I must have run for about two miles before the tears broke out. As I sat there on the side of the road with tears streaming down my face, along comes Pops in his trusty old pick-up. I was saved. I was so glad that I promised that I would never go so far from where we were that I couldn't hear the tractor running.

The truly funny thing is that Pops was just as worried about me as I was about being lost. Although he would never tell me that until about a week before he died. That was about five years ago, and to this day, I will hear a song that just makes me stop what I'm doing and break down and cry because I miss him so much. You see, he raised me as if I were his own kid, since my real dad was that but just absent. Dad was drawn into his world of booze and drugs. It was more important to him to go out and party than to make sure that his kids were raised right with a good father figure around. That is why I told my dad that my father died when he asked me why I was walking around like a zombie after Pops' funeral.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


So I discovered that B&N has a free e-book reader for the iPod touch. I down loaded it and am starting to look for free books. When I get to work tomorrow, I'll write a better review to see how well it works away from wi-fi.

- Chuck

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Since I was a small child, I always enjoyed decorating for Haloween. Although I have lost that desire since I first moved to Montana. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that John died too close to his birthday which is 31 Oct. I lost one of the best people to have come into my life at a relatively young age, and was devistated.

A couple of years ago, I asked David to not decorate the house for his favorite holiday, Christmas. He told me no, and then proceded to notice that I didn't seem to have a favorite holiday. I didn't dress or decorate for Haloween, didn't care for Christmas, didn't go out for New Years, and can't stand fireworks. So he asked me what my favorite holiday as a kid was, and I told him Haloween. He asked me why we didn't decorate the house?

I told him about John and how we used to decorate the house very elaborately. Ever since that time, I have changed my attitude and don't mind decorating as long as there are other people who can enjoy the decorations.

Is it wrong to not want to decorate if no one else can enjoy the decorations?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"City of Brotherly Love" Fact or Fiction?

Philadelphia is commonly called the city of brotherly love, however this is an oxymoron. Over the past six years, I have found it to be just the opposite.

Most Philadelphians are nice for one of two reasons: they want to have sex with you or they want something from you. I have tried to make friends here that are not associated with the base since I got here. The only friends I have here are the ones I have because of David. I would go out to the bars and found that people would talk to me only because they thought a drink could be gotten out of it, or they were after sex.

Now, sex isn't a bad thing, but I would rather have a friend.

- Chuck

Monday, October 19, 2009

Horoscope for 19 Oct 09

You're feeling pokier than usual today, but that isn't a bad thing. Sometimes you need to slow down quite a bit in order to deal with something that is bigger than it looks on the surface.

This is so true. I was just as slow as molasses in the middle of winter today with everything. I have a performance report to finish writing, and had to slow down to get any work on it done at all.

I may start looking at the horoscope every day and at the end of the day seeing if/or how it applied to my life that day.

- Chuck

When to Call It Quits?

At what point do you call it quits on a job?I'm coming up on my time to re-enlist, and I'm realy not feeling it. Usually I get a feeling of optimism and look forward to four to six more years.

Is it that McGuire sucks the hope and optimism out of anyone stationed here? Is it the fast pace of life here in the Mid-Atlantic? Is it the oxymoron of the title "City of Brotherly Love," which could be a topic all on its own? Is it just the new Air Force culture?

Now, I totally agree with working out. However, keeping your job should not hinge on being in shape. I have watched the Air Force go from a culture of not working out and just maintaining a good weight; to testing how fit you are. I just don't want to be told how fit I am, and how and when to workout.

But at the end of the day, I will most likely re-enlist for another six years and retire after 20 years. Struggling with my fitness tests the whole way through.

- Chuck

Friday, October 16, 2009


Horoscope for today: Brain power is usually your forte, and right now you can feel yourself plugging back into the good mental energy. You may whip through some work that seemed impossible just yesterday.

Yeah right. I'm going camping today and I just want to enjoy myself. Although I have to take my schoolwork with me, so maybe the cosmos is telling me that after getting camp set, I'll just breeze through my work?

- Chuck

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Supervisory Positions

I'm finding that I am taking to being a supervisor fairly easily so far. I've been up to see the commander three times since I got troops, but at least he hasn't jumped my shit about being a lousy supervisor......yet. Although, all the kids come to me with just about anything and everything, I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not.

Well, good night and sweet dreams to all of you out there in blogg land.

- Chuck

Random Thoughts During Work

14 Oct 2009 - 08:15 - Well, I have already said that this would be a slurr of randomness that is published on-line. It could be thoughts that I may want to expand upon later or even write an entire dissertation on. I am politically incorrect considering I don't sugar coat things and call them as I see them. Since I don't have access for my iPod touch to get to the net at work, there will be a time stamp so you can see what time a thought crossed my mind.

Sitting in the waiting room for the dentist right now. I know a lot of people get anxious sitting in this room. I wonder why. Your teeth are what they are, if it is the thought of pain from drilling, then get a different dentist who either uses better pain releavers, or uses them more effectively. We all have to remember that we have a choice, but what everyone neglects to realize is that we have to live with the consequences of those choices.

- Chuck

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

DISCLAIMER: Please note that all future postings are now rated XXX, if you let your kids read them, then it is at your discretion. I will not censor myself to keep this a child frendly environment, if i wanted to do that, i would run out and adopt a rug rat of my own. So all you adults out there, please read on and enjoy all of the rants and raves to come.

Well, I have had a day that I would not be ashamed if it were my last. I re-arranged the spare room, did a water change for the goldfish, AKA the three stooges, went to work for four hours so I can have Friday off for camping. I'm enjoying this blogging thing tremendously. You never know where my brain will take me, or when it will strike. It's like trying to hitchhike on a bolt of lightning, you never know when it's gonna strike and when it does, it could be shocking.

So kids, tune in next time when you may hear: "What's that Lassie...; well, AM stands for amplitude modulation and FM stands for Fucking Magic; or any other of a multitude of unpolitically correct statements.

- Chuck

Aquarium Take Two

Let's try this again.

Cars II

The process of getting a car seems to have turned into a two day affair, and if you don't have excellent credit, you don't even get a reach around. We went to get David a new car, of course he has to have the $50,000 Tahoe. What we should have done was gone in, done a test drive, filled out the paperwork, and then on our way out the door told them to call us when the answer came back.

These days right after the banks mostly went belly up, the dealerships all want a couple thousand dollars down, and David wants to try putting nothing down. As soon as I knew that, I knew we weren't getting the car.

A friend of mine said to just look in the want ads for a car. It made me wonder at what point did the car industry decide to make cars that were ment to be thrown away? I know that the advent of the computer driven car is what sent the shade tree mechanic to an early grave.

Early Morning Thoughts

As I lay here in bed, listening to the "dueling alarm clocks"; yes folks, it's like dueling pianos only a little more annoying. I decided to look up my horoscope for the day on Face Book. All I can say is, " Wow!" 'Cause that is exactly what I feel like doing today. It says to piss off friends and mystify co-workers with texts and e-mails. So, if you get a cryptic or sarcastic text or e-mail today, just remember my lifes moto, "If I don't like you, I won't talk to you."

- Chuck

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just a Lazy Sunday

Well, today was just a lazy Sunday afternoon spent at the in-law's house. It was an Anniversary party for David's mom and dad. Thankfully they didn't invite all the rest of the Rzucidlo's. Although it could have made for an interesting afternoon had Rodney gotten drunk and decided to tell his mom and her husband off. But that wasn't going to happen today. Although Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Well, going to enjoy my day off tomorrow hope all is well with everyone else.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ushering at Allen's Lane

9 Oct 09 - 1845

Tonight' foray into ushering at the theater is "Psycho Beach Party". We'll see how it is. Full review to come after the show.

While the script seems to mostly be fluff, the show is wildly entertaining. Bad acting, stumbling over lines and all.


Well, we are looking for a new car today. Don't you just hate the way they make you sit in the lobby and wait like you're grounded?

10 Oct 09 - 0856 Eastern

Well, this is day one. I will add random thoughts that cross my head here so I can see where they lead to later. You never know what will end up here, it could be a rant about work, relationships, or aquarium updates.
