Friday, November 27, 2009


Every year, it seems that Christmas comes earlier and earlier. It's my job in our household to make room for the tree and all the trimmings, you know, make room for Christmas to puke all over our house. We move most of the housplants out of the living room, strap a board on something and I put the tree and lights up.

The reason this is my only job for Christmas is because one year, I thought that I would be nice and decorate the tree so David wouldn't have to do it since he wasn't feeling well when he left for work. That was a huge mistake. When he saw the tree, he made a bee-line to it and took EVERYTHING off of it and redid it. After he was done, I told him that I would never touch another decoration again. So, the day after Thanksgiving is dedicated to setting up the tree and lights and drinking wine while I watch the tree come together.

Pictures will probably follow. I'm feeling a kind of procedureal pictography this year.

Monday, November 23, 2009

AMA Buzz

Well, the American Music Awards were last night. There were some pretty memorable performances both good and bad.

The one that will stick out in my mind is Adam Lambert. Just how bad does a performance have to be that the producer who is cripple cuts part of it out? Although on retrospect, I wonder if that blank spot in the perfoance was a delayed reaction to Adam grinding another man's face in his crotch? Was Dick Clark the only person in the editor's booth, or was he the only one that was worried about the FAA fine? I think it pretty piss poor that the only person willing or able to cut profanity from being aired on Nationally syndicated television is a crippled old man.

The other performance that should not have been booked was Eminem, about three of fours word out of his mouth was censored. I remember thinking, "What was the point?"

Lady Gaga's performance was different, but the only questionable part was her wardrobe. The body suit with the lights was pretty cool, but the phallic symbol could have been left off. I know that it was supposed to be a symbol of the controversy centered around her hermaphroditism. But that was a little much.

Plus, the politics of the awards show was very blantant. Michael Jackson won all but one award he was up for. And Teedo, what the fuck? He was accepting those awards as if he were the one who earned them. Michael only won those awards because he died. If he were alive, he wouldn't have even been up for half the awards he won, let alone won.

- Chuck

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Glad I Let Go of Childhood Things

I finally realized tonight that I let go of the hurt caused while I was in elementary and junor high. I was teased by almost everyone in my class and after talking to some of my old classmates. I have come to realize that they were just misguided youths at the time. Most of them have grown into pretty good adults and great parents. So if we knew eachother in grade school, please say hi and reconnect.

- Chuck

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More Pictures - Medium size

This is a picture of my tank from last month. I need to take pictures of everything for this month so I can document the growth of all my coral.

Adding Pictures

I'm trying to learn how to add pictures to this thing. I think it will add interest to the posts. I also want to find a program for my iPod Touch that will let me download my and other folk's blogs so I can read them at my leasure. Well, here are some pictures, enjoy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Ties That Bind

No matter who or where you are, home is always in your head. It doesn't matter if you still live there or you've moved on. Even kids who run away from home still think about home. I would know.

Everyone likes to ask why you joined the Air Force, I used to just try and change the subject. Why? Because I don't have the noble cause of serving my country, or at least the selffish reason of going to school. I joined to run away from home, which is not noble or at least reasonable.

At the end of my Freshman year of college, I was working my normal summer job and because I almost fell off a ladder and almost cut off some fingers. Since my boss wouldn't get a new ladder, I quit. Once my dad found out that I had quit my job, he told me to go back to work and he would pay for my school the next year or I could get a job and just get the hell out. I found an Air Force recruter, and joined up, and only go back to visit. Never regretting the decision I made.

I always think about home. I always wonder how my mom is doing. Is she still getting the mental and verbal abuse from my dad? Is my little brother going to get himself killed by trying to encrouch on someone else's drug territory? Has my dad finally drank or drugged himself to death? Has he had an accident with his equipment that was fatal? All these things go through my head all the time. I used to think about my grandparents until they passed away. Well, at least the ones on my mom's side, I reall could care less about the one on my dad's side.

- Chuck
